born in Baden (CH)
Bildende Kunst, HGK Luzern
Citè Internationale des Arts, Paris
New York City
Citè Internationale des Arts, Paris
Artist in Residence, Pro Helvetia, Cairo
lives and works in Zurich
Palm trees, Sunsets, Turmoil, Bezalel Photography Gallery, Jerusalem
The Sunset Series & Bright Star, Hauser Gallery, Zurich
Bright Star, Die Diele, Zurich
Lost Weekend, Sic! Raum für Kunst, Lucerne
Week End, Galerie Gitte Bohr, Berlin
Week End, Galerie Gilles Peyroulet, Paris
Walking trough Baghdad with a Buster Keaton Face, Aargauer Kunsthaus (cat.)
Blood split for nothing, Galerie Bernhard Bischoff, Bern
MNAC/National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest (in collaboration with Erich Weiss)
Dark Asylum, Wartesaal, Perla-Mode, Zurich (cat.)
Sounds of War, Galerie Gilles Peyroulet, Paris
The Prison Drawings, Galerie Bernhard Bischoff, Bern
Dark Star, planet22, Geneva
Hollywood Babylon, Galerie Bob Gysin, Zurich
Woodland, Galerie Urs Meile, Luzern
Harry, Galerie Bob Gysin, Zurich
Kleines Helmhaus, Zurich (in collaboration with Franziska Koch)
Stiftung Trudelhaus, Baden
Ein Haus ohne Mauern bauen, Amerikahaus, Munich, DE (cat.)
Born Digital, Kunsthaus Zürich, CH (cat.)
WAR IS (NOT) OVER, Tichy Ocean, Zurich, CH
Politics in Art, MOCAK Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow (cat.)
Davor · Darin · Danach. Die Sammlung im Wandel, Aargauer Kunsthaus
The Old Man and the Sea & other books, Hütt Kulturfenster, Kassel
The Drawing Lesson, Museu Molí Paperer de Capellades, Spain (curated by Erich Weiss/cat.)
25 Years! Shared Histories, Shared Stories, Fotomuseum Winterthur (cat.)
Accidents Never Happen, Nomad Hans & Fritz Contemporary, Cluj, Rumania
Notes on the Beginning of the Short 20th Century, Artist House, Tel Aviv (curated by Andrea Domesle & Frank Eckhardt)
Second Nature / Engendered, Gate 3 Gallery, Haifa (curated by Joshua Simon)
Second Nature, International Photography Festival, Tel Aviv-Jaffa (curated by Joshua Simon)
Hyperimaging! Images in and out our screens, Gjon Mili Biennial, The National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina (curated by Alfredo Cramerotti, cat.)
Fortsetzung folgt. 140 Jahre HSLU D&K, Kunstplattform akku, Emmenbrücke, Switzerland
Out of Place, The Third Mediterranean Biennale, Sakhnin Valley, Israel
Notes on the Beginning of the Short 20th Century, NCCA, Kaliningrad
Cinéma mon amour, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, Switzerland
Ed Ruscha Books & Co., Gagosian Gallery, Beverly Hills
Capsule 2 — Week End Halle Nord, Caméra(Auto)Contrôle, 50JPG – 50 Jours pour la photographie, Genève
Only Lovers, Le Coeur, Paris
Cold. War. Hot. Stars. The Iron(y) Helmet of the Intellect, Corner College, Zurich
Clusters, Sonnenstube, Lugano
Afterburner, Alpineum Produzentengalerie, Lucerne
Das Fotobuch und seine Autorten, Schweizerische Nationalbibliothek, Bern
RE: Follow-ed (after hokusai), Cabinet Du Livre D’Artiste, Université Rennes
Beyond Borders, Beaufort Triennial, Belgium
On Remote Control, Lothringer13 Halle, Munich
Ed Ruscha Books & Co., Gagosian Gallery, Paris
Distressed Geometry, Kunsraum Baden, Switzerland
Caught in the Crossfire, Guildford House Gallery, GB
Open Book, Paris Photo Grand Palais
Poster 6 & 6, Eden 16, Zürich & The Option Gallery, Lucerne
The End of the Line, Hauser Gallery, Zurich
Caught in the Crossfire, Stadtmuseum Dresden
Tribute to D-DAY 70, Galerie Gilles Peyroulet, Paris
American Soldiers, Hartware MedienKunstVerein (HMKV), Dortmund
Power Tracks Vol. 1, Tales and aesthetics of power in Western electronic music cultures, Le Commun, BAC, Bâtiment d'art contemporain, Geneva
Surfaces – New Photography from Switzerland, Fotomuseum Winterthur
Do you speak touriste? Quand les photographes décodent les clichés, Le Musée d'art de Pully
Desiderata — New in the Collection, Aargauer Kunsthaus
Truffes et Trouvailles, Kunstraum Baden, Switzerland
Schlagt die "Geistig-Politische Wende", wo Ihr sie trefft!, Gitte Bohr c/o West Germany, Berlin
Side Dishes, i shine - you shine, Zurich
L’art à l’épreuve du monde, DEPOLAND de Dunkerque, France (curated by Jean-Jacques Aillagon, cat.)
ReCoCo — Life Under Representational Regimes, MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam, Tel Aviv, Israel (cat.)
Ed Ruscha Books & Co., Gagosian Gallery, New York & Museum Brandhorst, München
Images For Images, Artists for Tichy – Tichy for Artists, GASK – The Gallery of the Central Bohemian Region, Kutná Hora, Czech Republic (cat.)
Caught in the Crossfire, Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, Coventry, UK
Cut & Paste, Fotomuseum Winterthur, Paris Photo
Die Vitrine 02, Die Diele, Zurich
ACHTUNG?! — respect, control, change, Fotodoks, München (cat.)
HELP/LESS, Printed Matter, Inc., New York
Grösser als Zürich — Kunst in Aussersihl, Helmhaus Zürich & Kunsthaus Deutschvilla, Strobl, Austria
Transitionen, artespace Lessing1, Zurich
unheimlich vertraut. Bilder vom Terror, C/O Berlin, International Forum for Visual Dialogues (cat.)
Out of Storage / Provisoire et définitif, Timmerfabriek, Maastricht
Kult Zürich Ausser Sihl, Malzfabrik, Berlin
Stücke des Widerstands - Pièces de résistance, Motorenhalle, Dresden
Small Fires, Sint-Lukasgalerie, Brussels
ReCoCo — Life Under Representational Regimes, White Space, Zurich & Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Wien
Blumen & Perlen, Kunsraum Baden, Switzerland
RE: Follow-ed (after hokusai), Winchester Gallery, Southhampton (UK), Gallery P74, Ljubljana, Arnolfini, Bristol (UK)
Why do you resist?, Galeria Arsenal, Bialystok, Poland
Zwischenlager - Ankäufe der Stadt Zürich 06-10, Helmhaus, Zurich
The Right to Protest, Museum on the Seam, Jerusalem (cat.),
Someday we'll all be free, Galerie Gilles Peyroulet, Paris
Lust und Laster. Die sieben Todsünden von Dürer bis Nauman, Kunstmuseum Bern & Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern (cat.)
Press Art - Sammlung Annette und Peter Nobel, Museum der Moderne Salzburg (cat.)
Actual Fears, Mixed Gaps & Vertigo, CAN, Le Centre d’Art Neuchâtel
Why do you resist?, Pori Art Museum, Pori, Finland
Karaoke, Bildformen des Zitats, Fotohof, Salzburg
(des)alter est, Espace le Carré & Jardins des Modes, Lille
Karaoke, Bildformen des Zitats, Fotomuseum Winterthur (cat.)
a BLACK & WHITE show, Galerie Gilles Peyroulet, Paris
Pièces de résistance: Formen von Widerstand in der zeitgenössischen Kunst, Kunstmuseum Thun, (cat.)
Dark Side 2, Fotografische Macht und fotografierte Gewalt, Krankheit und Tod, Fotomuseum Winterthur (cat.)
Interieurs, Gesammelte Einsichten, Aargauer Kunsthaus
I am by birth a Genevese, Vegas Gallery, London & Forde Usine, Geneva (curated by Alexandre Bianchini & Pascal Rousson)
Left over, Werke, Videos & Positionen, Whitespace, Office for Curating/Art/Theory, Zurich
Abstraktionen, Ungegenständliche Tendenzen aus der Sammlung, Aargauer Kunsthaus
Shifting Identies, [Swiss] Art Now,CAC (Contemporary Art Center), Vilnius
Sound of Music, Tri Postal, Lille
Kult Zürich Ausser Sihl, Galerie Baviera, Zürich (cat.)
Shifting Identies, [Swiss] Art Now,Kunsthaus Zurich (cat.)
Collateral, Quando a arte olha o cinema, SESC Paulista, Sao Paulo (cat.)
L’esprit des fortifications, Musée des Beaux-Arts et de la Dentelle, Calais
Editionen, Wartesaal, Perla-Mode, Zurich
Shadows in Paradise, Fort Napoleon, Oostende (curated by Hilde Teerlinck, Frac Nord Pas de Calais, Dunkerque)
Collateral, When Art looks at Cinema, Hangar Bicocca, Milan (curated by Art for the World, Adelina von Fürstenverg/cat.)
Driving Fast Trough A Slow Motion Landscape, Espai Ubú, Barcelona & CRAC Alsace, Altkirch
Zweite Zeit, Kunstmuseum Luzern
Bela Lugosi’s Dead, Erich Weiss & Special Friends, Galerie Bernhard Bischoff, Bern
Love & Peace, Binz39, Zurich
Looped Sensations, Swiss Video Landscapes Today (curated by Viper), Image Forum Tokyo, Tokyo (Park Tower Hall), Kyoto (Goethe Institut), Fukoka (City Public Library), Nagoya (Aichi Arts Center), Kanazawa (21st Century Museum of Contemprary Art), Yokohama (Yokohama Museum of Art)
Microscopium : Old Habits Die Hard, planet22 im Message Salon, Zurich
planet22 at Hoffmann’s House, E.I.E.I. International Conference of Independent Art Spaces, Valparaiso, Chile (curated by planet22)
Sentieri e avvistamenti Giovane arte contemporanea in Svizzera (curated by Bettina della Casa/cat.)
COME BACK / le retour, CRAC Alsace, Altkirch
Plus Ou Moins Jeunes, Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris
Black, Come follow me into this flower called nowhere, Galerie Nikki Diana Marquadt, Paris (curated by Erich Weiss)
Dalla Pagina Allo Spazio, 20 artisti svizzeri selezionati per i Cahiers d’artistes di Pro Helvetia, Museo Cantonale D’Arte Lugano (cat.)
It’s in our hands, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Zurich
Ankäufe der Sammlung, Kunsthaus Zurich
Bievenue, Willkommen, Welcome @ Altkirch, CRAC Alsace, Altkirch (cat.)
Konfuse Körper, Hinterkonti, Hamburg (curated by Sabine Tünschel)
Fata Morgana, Five Years Gallery, London (curated by Hilde Teerlinck)
Fläche Raum Haus, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Ballyhalle, Schönenwerd
das weiss dahinter, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal
Fata Morgana, Espace d’art contemporain, Halle au Poisson, Perpignan
catch22, with planet22 at Charlottenborg Museum, Kopenhagen
Quick Times, Viper, International Festival for Film, Video and New Media, Basel
Alpines Museum, Bern
Salon, Aargauer Kunsthaus (curated by Rayelle Niemann)
Tapeten, Kunstraum Hotel, Zurich
Not Striktly Private, Shed im Eisenwerk, Frauenfeld
Zentrifuge, Zwischenraum, Kunstmuseum Luzern
Szene Luzern, Reithalle Bern (curated by Dogan Firuzbay/cat.)
Erfrischungsraum, Luzern
Neue Konstellationen Andere Konstellationen, Aargauer Kunsthaus
VIDEOEX, International Experimental Film & Video Festival, Zurich
7th Cairo Video Festival, Video Art & Experimental Films
Capture All, transmediale, Berlin
ALTERNATIVE film/video festival, Belgrade, Serbia
27. stuttgarter filmwinter, festival for expanded media
ALTERNATIVE film/video festival, Belgrade, Serbia
Kasseler Dokfest, Kassel, Germany
DE:SONANZ — Festival Elektronske Muzike & Media Arts, Skopje, Macedonia
EMAF European Media Art Festival, Osnabrueck
Kino Xenix, Zurich
VIDEOEX, International Experimental Film & Video Festival, Zurich
Regensburger Kurzfilmwoche
Sarajevo Film Festival
Impakt, Utrecht
Werkleitz Festival, Halle (Saale)
VIDEOEX, International Experimental Film & Video Festival, Zurich
MMX Open Art Venue, Berlin
Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur
EMAF European Media Art Festival, Osnabrueck
Video Dumbo, Brooklyn, NY
Loop’08, Video Art Festival, Barcelona
ongoingfestival, Stuttgart
Loop’05, Video Art Festival, Barcelona
3rd annual Detroit International Video Festival, MONA Museum of New Art, Detroit
A Swiss Video Selection, Arteast Foundation, 13th Alternative short film festival of Tirgu, Mures, Romania (curated by Oliver Kielmayer)
VIDEOEX, International Experimental Film & Video Festival, Zurich
VID Video in der Dampfzentrale, Bern
Imagination, Viper International Festival for Film, Video and New Media, Basel
Soirée vidéo, Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris
REV SUISSE, Batofar, Paris (Programmation proposée par le CCS, Paris)
VHS Festival, Rotterdam
2nd annual Detroit International Video Festival, MONA Museum of New Art, Detroit
Medienkunst Schweiz, Viper International Festival for Film, Video and New Media, Basel
Replay, plug in, Basel & Kornhausforum, Bern
Detroit International Video Festival, MONA Museum of New Art, Detroit
14. stuttgarter filmwinter, festival for expanded media
Medienkunst Schweiz, Viper International Festival for Film, Video and New Media, Basel
Selection Suisse, 19. Video Art Festival, Locarno
Kino im Kunstmuseum, Kunstmuseum Bern
The Tenderness of Wolves, book launch, Eis Zwo Drü, Offspace, Zurich
Release #78/79_LIVE IN YOUR HEAD, 957 Independent Art Magazine, kleio, Zurich
Palm Trees, Sunsets, Turmoil, Kunstverein Wagenhalle e.V. Stuttgart
Rolling Paper N°1 : Salon d’édition, LE BAL, Paris
Book Launch Brunch, Centre de la photographie Genève
SITUATION #79: Palm Trees, Sunsets, Turmoil, Fotomuseum Winterthur
The Deal, Die Diele, Zurich
sic! Raum für Kunst – guest at Kaskadenkondensator / Liste, Art Fair, Basel
Shoot the Screen, SUPERSOL, Zurich
shimmer edition #70, http://shimmer.ch/
Palm trees, Sunsets, Turmoil, Schaukasten Herisau, Switzerland
von Andreas bis Züst. Eine Bibliothek geht auf Wanderschaft, Corner College, Perla Mode Zürich, Sitterwerk, St.Gallen, Kantonsbibliothek AR, Trogen, Alpenhof
Wanderbag@New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York
Holy Trinity, La Boutique Cabaret Voltaire, SI Swiss Institute, New York
Kunst Zurich’08, ZKB Kunstpreis, Zurich
Wanderbag, collaborative art project by Cindy Heller presented at Swiss Institute New York and Cabaret Voltaire Zurich (wanderbag.com)
Trans K3 Express, K3 Project Space, Kunsthof Zurich and Project(or) Art Fair, Rotterdam
Kunststafette, Value, Zurich (cat.)
Picture of the Month, http://amberg-marti.ch
Showroom, Basel
Mueseumsnacht, Fotomuseum Winterthur (curated by Linda Frisk)
Club Esther, Five Years at On the Rocks, London, UK (curated by Esther Planas and Marc Hulson)
Aufnahmen, Sternstunde Philosophie und Kunst, SF DRS
Open Studio with friends, P.S.1, Long Island City, New York
VID, Video in der Dampfzentrale, Bern
PIN-UP/badges by artists, A project by Sophie Vigourous, Emmanuel Hervé and Pierre Belouin at Le Magasin, Grenoble, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, Florence Loewy Books by Artists, Paris, M.A.M.C, Strasbourg, Galerie Bernhard Bischoff, Thun (CH) and Kunstgriff, Zurich
2nd annual Detroit International Video Festival, MONA Museum of New Art, Detroit
wrong time/wrong place #4, 1:1, Les Halles, Espace d’art contemporain, Porrentruy
CH Filmszene, SF DRS
boxxs.com, UG Luzerner Theater
24-Stunden Raststätte, PingPong, Zurich
The History of House, Nomono, Boa Luzern
Dream with us, one hundred pages, 2023
Prison Drawings, An Imaginary Collection, edition fink, Zurich, 2021
The Tenderness of Wolves, edition fink, Zurich, 2018
Palm Trees, Sunsets, Turmoil, edition fink, Zurich, 2017
Walking through Baghdad with a Buster Keaton Face, fink twice 503, paperback series, edition fink, Zurich, 2014
Sunsets — Afghanistan & Iraq, postcard edition, published by Schaukasten Herisau, 2013
LACK Nº2, newspaper, published by Nadine Wietlisbach, sic! Raum für Kunst, Lucerne, October 2011
Bright Star, postcard edition, produced and printed in Cairo by Pro Helvetia & Ghada Kabesh, 2010
Various Fires and Four Running Boys, edition fink, Zurich, 2010
Walking trough Baghdad with a Buster Keaton Face, edition fink, Zurich, 2009
Weapons Collection, Females & Adolescents, Artist book, Wartesaal, Perla Mode Zurich, 2006
Dark Asylum, Ein Fanzin von Adrian Ehrat, Wartesaal, Perla Mode Zurich, 2006
Collection Cahiers d’ artistes, Pro Helvetia, 2000-2001
№ 4 From the Archive of Shame, Trixa Arnold & Ilja Komarov, 2023
№ 3 Mainstream Obsession, A.C. Kupper, 2023
№ 2 A View of My World, Karen Wilson, 2023
№ 1 Dream with us, Thomas Galler, 2023
Politics in Art, MOCAK Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow, 2022
Repräsentationen der israelischen Soldatin im Netz der Bildkulturen, Jihan Jennifer Radjai-Bründl, Heidelberg University Publishing, 2022
Lothringer 13, Halle / Rroom / Nest, Documentation, Jun 2014 - Jan 2020, Jörg Koopmann (Ed.), 2021
The Drawing Lesson, Museu Molí Paperer de Capellades, Erich Weiss (Ed.), 2020
Die HMKV Videos des Monats 2014–2020, Inke Arns (Ed.), HMKV Hartware Medien Kunstverein, 2020
25 Years! Fotomuseum Winterthur, Shared Histories, Shared Stories. Fast Forward, Spector Books, 2018
#78/79_LIVE IN YOUR HEAD, 957 Independent Art Magazine, 2018
Auf der Suche nach dem fotografischen Unikat, «Recycled Books»: Reedition und Remake im zeitgenössischen Fotobuch, Ulrike Meyer Stump, rüffer & rub, Marco Meier (Ed.), 2017
Caméra(Auto)Contrôle, 50JPG – 50 Jours pour la photographie, Genève, 2016
Re: Follow-ed (after Hokusai) Sans Niveau ni Métres, JOURNAL DU CABINET DU LIVRE D’ARTISTE, 2015
Beaufort Beyond Borders, Exhibition catalogue, Philip Van den Bosche a.o. (Ed.), 2015
Do you speak touriste?, Musée d’art de Pully, Infolio éditions, 2014
Dislkike № 1, Magazin für Unmutsbekundung, 2014
L’art à l’épreuve du monde, published by éditions invenit, 2013
ReCoCo — Life Under Representational Regimes, published by MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam, Tel Aviv, 2013
AMERICANA / LITTERATURE, Collection FRAC Nord-Pas de Calais, 2013
VARIOUS SMALL BOOKS, Referencing Various Small Books by Ed Ruscha, The MIT Press, 2013
ACHTUNG?!, newspaper published by Fotodoks München, 2012
umool umool vol.10, published & edited by Na Kim, Amsterdam, 2012
Stack of Books, Gregory Polony & Thomas Galler, published by Le Foyer, Gabrielle Schaad & Gioia Dal Molin, Zurich, 2012
Six hands and a cheese sandwich, Zavod P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E., Michalis Pichler (Ed.), 2011
Unheimlich vertraut. Bilder vom Terror The Uncanny Familiar. Images of Terror, C/O Berlin, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2011
Artcollector #6, in conversation with Stefan Wagner, 2011
DU Magazin, Digitales Leben – Reportagen aus der Parallelwelt, Ausgabe Nr. 815, April 2011
The Right to Protest, Museum on the Seam, Jerusalem, 2010
Lust und Laster. Die 7 Todsünden von Dürer bis Nauman, Hatje Cantz Verlag., 2010
Press Art, Christoph Doswald (Hrsg.), Stämpfli Verlag, 2010
ZüZ, Jeder Tag und das Weekend, Ed. Amanda Haas, Luzern, 2010
Kultzürichaussersihl. Das andere Gesicht, Silvio R. Baviera, Verlag Um die Ecke, Zürich 2010
Karaoke, Photographic Quotes, Fotomuseum Winterthur/Kodoji Press, Ed. Thomas Seelig, 2009
Dark Side 2, Fotografische Macht und fotografierte Gewalt, Krankheit und Tod, Steidl, 2009
This is the way we see it, A tribute to E.L.T. Mesens, 2009
Shifting Identities, Kunsthaus Zürich, JRP|Ringier, 2008
Collateral, Charta Milano/New York, 2007
Kunststafettte, Value, JRP|Ringier, 2007
Driving Fast Trough A Slowmotion Landscape, Espai Ubú & CRAC Alsace, 2006
COME BACK / le retour, CRAC Alsace, Altkirch, 2005
Une Si Belle Saison, 2004-2005, CRAC Alsace, Altkirch, 2005
Sentieri e avvistamenti Giovane arte contemporanea in Svizzera, Pro Helvetia, CAMeC La Spezia, 2005
Aufnahmen, DVD, Sternstunde Philosophie und Kunst, SF DRS, 2005
it is a small world, 2002-2003, CRAC Alsace, 2004
Cowboys and Kisses, Kunstpanorama Luzern, 2003
Kunst im öffentlichen Raum, Projekte und Realisierungen, HGK Luzern, 2003
Szene Luzern, Reithalle Bern, 1997
Werkbeitrag, Aargauer Kuratorium
Arbeitsstipendium Covid-19, Stadt Zürich Kultur
Bezalel Photography Prize
Werkbeitrag, Aargauer Kuratorium
Werkbeitrag, Aargauer Kuratorium
Werkbeitrag Kanton Zürich / Gold medal, Best Book Design from all over the World, Stiftung Buchkunst Leipzig, for Walking trough Baghdad with a Buster Keaton Face
Manor Kunstpreis / Werkbeitrag der Stadt Zürich / The most beautiful Swiss books, Walking trough Baghdad with a Buster Keaton Face
Atelierstipendium Cité Internationale des Arts, Kanton Zürich / Artist in Residence Pro Helvetia, Cairo
Eidgenössischer Preis für Kunst
Werkbeitrag der Stadt Zürich / Werkbeitrag Kanton Zürich
Werkbeitrag, Aargauer Kuratorium
Atelierstipendium, New York, Stadt Zürich
Werkbeitrag der Stadt Zürich
Werkbeitrag, Aargauer Kuratorium
Hans Trudel Kunstpreis, Baden
Werkbeitrag Aargauer Kuratorium
Atelierstipendium, Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, Aargauer Kuratorium
Frac Nord-Pas de Calais, Dunkerque, France
Fotomuseum Winterthur
Kunsthaus Zurich
Aargauer Kunsthaus
Kunstsammlung der Stadt Zürich
Kunstsammlung Kanton Zürich
Sammlung Kanton Luzern
Kunstsammlung Stadt Baden